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Most people living in democracies have a very limited input into decisions made for us.

Many millions have no say at all.

Our Decision Too provides a way for everyone to participate in decisions about every issue that affects them. Social issues are discussed in a deliberative fashion rather than decided via simple polling.

Proposals can be posted and debated by anyone in a structured, supportive environment. Participants can have their say, learn from and discuss with others, and reassess as a result. Alternatives to the initial proposal can be advanced, with the aim of building a practical consensus.

Using technology developed and used successfully over twenty years, Our Decision Too is a powerful tool for open debate and understanding others' views.

Our Decision Too is open to people from any and every background, and any age.

All opinions are welcome. Nothing is censored, hidden, or withheld unless illegal or plainly offensive. Everyone's views and the patterns of their choices are immediately available to all participants, and there are filters to enable 'deep diving' into the data if desired.

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Featured Issue

Gaza Disneyland?

It is widely reported in the legacy media that President Trump wants to recyle Gaza as a holiday resort. Was this the plan all along? The cartoon is from the Guardian - does it have a point? Please let this community learn from your views.

Today's Update
February 05 David Seedhouse

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It is proposed that pharmaceutical companies must be subject to laws forcing them to disclose any research that poses any risk to public health

Pfizer employee admits the company is mutating covid viruses to sell more vaccines

It is proposed that neither the journalists nor the politicians have any professional credibility

What's the story? Anti-semitism or Covid vaccine adverse event denial?

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