Our Decision Too is open to people from any and every background, and any age
All opinions are welcome. Nothing is censored, hidden, or withheld unless it is illegal or plainly offensive. Everyone’s views and the patterns of their choices are immediately available to all participants, and there are filters to enable ‘deep diving’ into the data if desired.
This is a serious initiative which generates respectful debate. In the interest of free speech we aim to keep moderation to a minimum.
This site is not monetised. We do not take advertising and we do not sell anyone's data. We are simply providing an example of meaningful, inclusive democracy.
There is a library of issues anyone can respond to, and any member can post their own issues.
This site opens many democratic opportunities, which we expect to evolve as interest grows. Possibilities include week-long deliberative democracy projects with practical outcomes and mirror debates about new Bills and legislation put forward by governments.