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Newsmedia puppetry: are news outlets 21st century thought police?

Newsmedia puppetry: are news outlets 21st century thought police?

Throughout 2020 it was impossible to read a newspaper or watch or listen to the news without being inundated with alarming stories about Covid and endless charts and statistics focusing daily on the 'pandemic'. Everything else that might have been reported, including diseases and circumstances of greater seriousness, were sidelined. The effect of this attentional bias was to bias the thoughts and perceptions of most of the population.

Now the headline is:

UK to stop publishing Covid modelling data

It seems:

'The UK Health Security Agency will stop publishing modelling data on coronavirus in early January.

The chief data scientist, Dr Nick Watkins, said the publication of this specific data is “no longer necessary” as the country is living with Covid thanks to vaccines and therapeutics.' https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/dec/25/uk-to-stop-publishing-covid-modelling-data

'Watkins, chairman of the EMRG, said: “During the pandemic, the R value and growth rate served as a useful and simple indicator to inform public health action and government decisions.

“Now that vaccines and therapeutics have allowed us to move to a phase where we are living with Covid-19, with surveillance scaled down but still closely monitored through a number of different indicators, the publication of this specific data is no longer necessary.

“We continue to monitor Covid-19 activity in a similar way to how we monitor a number of other common illnesses and diseases.' https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/dec/25/uk-to-stop-publishing-covid-modelling-data

At the same time the BBC is well aware of the power of the newsmedia, and shows no sense of irony: https://bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-64097497

China has stopped publishing Covid statistics, but it is thought thousands of people may be dying every day

So they are criticising Chinese government outlets for publishing false figures when it has been a routine tactic in the West for the past almost three years - in both cases to manipulate public opinion relentlessly and without qualms and in the case of most journalists without any critical thinking or moral backbone.

The Nazis knew all about it of course. In a 1941 article entitled “Churchill’s Lie Factory,” Hitler’s Nazi propaganda chief, Joseph Goebbels, said, “The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.” https://shepherdthoughts.com/baptistchurchny/a-more-sure-word/

What do you think to the proposal below?

It is proposed that the main purpose of Western mainstream media is to disseminate propaganda

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